zaterdag 19 april 2014

At least it's still April...

It’s Saturday today. Finally weekend, after a long week of study. It is just three hours a day, but it feels like ages. We have quite some homework and nearly every day, if not every day, we have a little test. So we keep practicing and expanding our kanji, grammar and vocabulary knowledge, but we do not have enough time to practice a lot (in real life, outside the dorm, so to say). However… we are learning stuff, so that’s something! :p

Yesterday, I went with my friends Nadia, Brenda and Marije to a restaurant named Coco’s. We had some really good food there, for a good price! Seriously, I love you Japan! ^^ As in, I had rice gratin with a soft-boiled egg and bacon, which tasted SO good, and it was somewhere under 650 yen (4 euro 60 or so). Then we had parfaits as dessert. I had chocolate, which had, aside from chocolate, of course, banana, cookie, something coffee-ish and cranberry sauce (and I most likely forget stuff, but it was really ‘oishii’ (tasty).
Then we went to a karaoke bar. It were ‘gakusei’ (student) hours, so it was cheaper. Yay! We spent three hours singing our favorite and other funny songs, from Britney Spears’ ‘Oops… I did it again’ to Nightwish’ ‘I wish I had an Angel’, and of course a lot of J-pop and K-pop. It was a lot of fun, and only 900 yen (6 euro something, I guess).

Today I went with Brenda, Marije and Sylvia to Tenjin, where we went shopping. From our nearest train station (Ijiri Station), we have a direct train to Tenjin, which costs 250 yen, so that’s not too bad.  Around Tenjin Station, there are a lot department stores, which are huge and have lots of nice stores. There is so many cute stuff… clothes, shoes, accessories – pretty much anything they sell, actually.
Even though I did not want to buy a lot of stuff, we went to a cheap bookstore with a lot of manga, so I decided to buy four more (I already bought four before) manga. The ones I bought this time are part of the same series, so I hope it is fun story to read J. They were only 108 yen each (the 8 yen tax makes it look incredibly stupid, but unlike the Netherlands, they like to exclude the tax from the price, like I experienced in Canada. It’s stupid, guys.)
I also bought a dungarees (what the fuck is with that word… it’s a ‘tuinbroek’), but a shorts one, not with a skirt or with long leg thingies. ^^’ Now I’m gonna beg all my more ‘oshare’ fashionable friends what I should wear with it. ^^;;;;;

Then, when we went to Tower Records, I decided I could also buy Morning Musume ’14’s latest single (Toki wo Koe Sora wo Koe/Password is 0), and I got a poster with it. Happy me!
However, tomorrow I will be going to a Morning Musume ’14 concert, so I am really excited! I hope it will be a lot of fun! The setlist looked really good, so I have high hopes. Of course (well, I’m a coward, so yes, ‘of course’), I won’t go alone. Together with Marije I will go there! Really, really happy!

Oh! And today we also did some purikura (those overly cute and edited pictures you can make in special booths. I swear, it’s so much fun and kind of addicting…) I wanna make more pictures!

Anyways… for now… good ni~ght!

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